Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have been thinking about the types of foods I wish to put here and also thinking about the style of foods that I personally like. Well, I don't know if I would say styles of foods per se but the influences that I gravitate towards and I realized that as a Chef and possible business owner and caterer in the future that it wouldn't be right for me to just showcase my culinary influences here. Personally, I love the basic ingredients found in Lowcountry and Cajun cuisines but that is because that is my heritage. My paternal grandfather's side is from New Orleans and my paternal grandmother's side is from South Carolina. But just because those influences are important to me as a person and I genuinely love them as a foodie, doesn't mean that everyone else will. Nor does it mean that I should only showcase my talents (though they are still being honed) with those cuisines. So I vow, that the food posts that I put here will be more than Cajun and Lowcountry cuisine. Though there will be definitely be some. I can't help nor deny who I am.

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